Welcome to Malaysia

Those who know Malaysia, love Malaysia - why? Experience Malaysia’s sights and sounds for yourself and don’t just see what WE say, read or watch what some of our visitors say about Malaysia!
Malaysia is celebrating it’s 50th birthday in 2007 and plans to party all year round! What is a party without friends, new and old, so come on over and join us - invite your friends.

Malaysia is one of the most pleasant, hassle-free countries to visit in southeast Asia. It's buoyant and wealthy, and has moved towards a pluralist culture based on a vibrant and interesting fusion of Malay, Chinese, Indian and indigenous cultures and customs.

Malaysia's love of Western-style industrialisation is abundantly clear in its big cities. Aside from the gleaming glass towers of the 21st Century, though, Malaysia boasts some of the most superb beaches, mountains and national parks in Asia.
You're going to have sunshine and sweat pretty much whenever you visit. It's best to avoid the November to January rainy season on peninsular Malaysia's east coast if you want to enjoy the beaches.....CLICK HERE to know more about beautiful Malaysia and her friendly people.
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